
Welcome to
Dysphagia Simplified


Helping those who need special food textures & fluid consistencies

Our goal of this project is for those who prepare food for those with dysphagia (i.e. chefs, kitchen managers, dietitians, speech language pathologists, family members, etc.) to be able to have a reference for food and liquid preparation that can be easily accessed via this website. You will be able to get instructions on how to prepare specific food items in various food groups to include meats, vegetables, fruits, dairy, grains, etc. We also hope this site will assist people to convert from NDD to IDDSI.

What is Dysphagia?

Dysphagia is the medical term for having difficulty moving food from the mouth to the stomach which incudes difficulty swallowing saliva, chewing foods, and/or holding food in the mouth. It also includes pain when swallowing, choking, or coughing when eating or drinking.

According to American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) articles site incidence and prevalence of dysphagia disorders in the population. 1 in 25 people will be diagnosed with dysphagia. Up to 15-22% of those over 50 years of age will be diagnosed with dysphagia which increases in various diseases (for example, neurologic conditions such as stroke). In the pediatric population dysphagia occurs 0.9% in the 3-17 age range. However, this varies due to several factors. For example, dysphagia occurs 30-80% in children with developmental disorders and 33-83% in children with craniofacial disorders.


Determination of Recommendations

The level of severity is frequently determined using VFSS (Video Fluoroscopic Swallow Study), MBS (Modified Barium Swallow Study) and/or FEES (Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallow). The medical professional that makes the determination of the diet texture & fluid consistency is a Speech Language Pathologist. Balanced nutrition recommendations may be provided by a Registered Dietitian. Both professionals work together to provide the safest, most nutritious, & most palatable diet possible.


Diet Textures & Fluid Consistencies

There are several diet textures & fluid consistencies & the restrictions that are determined may include solid foods and/or liquids but not necessarily both. Those that need altered textures & fluid consistencies can range from infants to older adults & different levels of restrictions are used depending on the severity of the disorder.


Dysphagia Diet Textures

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Dysphagia Pureed

All foods are pureed.

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Dysphagia Mechanical

Most meats are ground. Other foods are very soft, moist, & in small pieces. Some need to be pureed depending on the consistency.

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Dysphagia Advanced 

Meats chopped in  ¼” pieces. Fruits & veggies can’t have tough skins & seeds.

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Regular texture

Able to eat foods that are unaltered & unrestricted.


Liquid Consistencies

Pudding Thick

Honey Thick

Nectar Thick

Thin (No restrictions)